Dr. Joel Allen

Joel Allen is the Chair of the Religion and Philosophy Department at Dakota Wesleyan
University in Mitchell SD. Before coming to DWU, Joel was an Assistant
Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Lambuth University and Minister of
Discipleship at First United Methodist Church in Jackson TN. He is an elder in
the Dakotas Conference of the United Methodist Church and a graduate of Asbury
Theological Seminary (1995). Joel has taught at Asbury Theological Seminary,
Union College and Moscow Evangelical Theological Seminary. Joel completed a
Ph.D. at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati Ohio
where he studied Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic Literature and Judaism of the
Greco-Roman World. Along with several articles, he is author of two books: The
Despoliation of Egypt: in Pre-Rabbinic, Rabbinic and Patristic Traditions (Brill,
2008) and Jewish Biblical
Legends: Rabbinic Wisdom for Christian Readers (Cascade Books,
2013). Joel has been married to Kitty for 28 years and they have
two children (Johanna 21 and Emma,17). They reside in Mitchell South Dakota.
His podcast, "Biblical Conversations," looks at difficult aspects of the Bible, particularly where the Bible seems to speak with differing voices. You can listen at https://anchor.fm/joel-allen5.
Joel Allen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Religion and Philosophy
1200 W. University Ave. / Mitchell, SD / 57301
605-995-2632 / www.dwu.edu